Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Handmade Market

I don't normally do markets. I have only done one and it was just not even a little close to my target demographic so even though I sold some things, it was a terrible fit for Ablutions. It was much too rustic and too much of a drive for my lazy self. Lugging a dozen 50lb boxes of soap and scrubs over 50 yards of gravel is not fun. I've never been a big fan of the porta-john either.

My husband is an abstract photographer who has just begun showing his work this year in local shops and galleries. He did a local market called Rock & Shop Market back in the summer that we both liked a lot. It's full of independant artisans and crafty people who handmake everything you can imagine- jewelry, handbags, aprons, journals, coasters, notecards, etc... Bands played live music while shoppers shimmied and squeezed around each other from booth to booth. It proved to be a good market for him and though the booths were a bit cramped for my taste, I secretly wished I was selling there too.

Rock & Shop Market has a very popular companion market in November called The Handmade Market and we both jumped at the chance to apply. I just learned that I was accepted and I'm delighted but I confess it's a bit bittersweet since Steve is on the waitlist. I'm more upset that he didn't get in than he is. I had fantasies of us selling, side by side, hanging out and having a blast. I'm sure it will still be great, but I'll miss him. Maybe he'll still make it in- keeping my fingers crossed. - coming soon!

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